The futures of the future - Day 5

Applied Futures - presented by Wendy Schultz
Reframing our assumptions

Wendy Schultz is the founder and director of Infinite Futures. Wendy has an extensive experience in foresight research, planning, and facilitation for a wide variety of private and public institutions. She has taught in many universities including her time as visiting faculty with the MS program in Studies of the Future, University of Houston - Clear Lake.

The final test of any theoretical and/or methodological contribution is its usability in specific context. However, too often futurists only focus on utility and neglect theoretical soundness. The final day of the summer school reviewed the usability and theoretical robustness of the previous approaches in different fields (education, consultancy, policy-making, intelligence, etc.)

Find the slides of Wendy Schulz's morning presentation here and part 2 here.


I think therefore I am
I progress therefore I am
I shop therefore I am
I share therefore I am
I am tradition and culture
I am science and technology
I am what I buy
I am online
Simple, Closed
Complicated, Closed
Complex, Open
Open, Interconnected, Chaotic
Conquest, Supremacy, Progress
Progress, Efficiency, Modernization
Relativism, Plurality, Individuality
Complexity, Chaos, Contradictions
Spanish Flu (1918-1920)
Zika Virus, MERS, SARS
Serial Monogamy
Serial, Multiple Monogamy
Hetero, Homo, Trans, Serial, Plural
Feral, To be Tamed, and Exploited
Under Control, but Limits to Growth
Social Construction of Nature
Mass extinction, Climate Change
Pursuit of Reasoned Inquiry
Scientific Progress and Development
Socially Constructed and Relative
Complex, Uncertainties, Ignorances
Science makes work easier
Ideologically driven for "progress"
Biotechnology & Genome Sequencing
AI, Human-Machine Synthesis
Male, Female
Male, Female, (Closet Gays)
Male, Female, LGBTQ+